False Focus energy drink combats fatigued driving myths campaign.

Image: The selected Re:act TAFE 2021 NSW campaign, ‘Energy in a can won’t save you from a slam’ was created by TAFE NSW Design Centre Enmore students Derbail Kinsella and Thomas Carr

The ‘Energy in a can won’t save you from a slam’ campaign was created by TAFE NSW Design Centre Enmore students Derbail Kinsella and Thomas Carr to raise awareness among apprentices and other young drivers of the risks of fatigued driving.

Inspired by research showing young drivers commonly use energy drinks to try and combat the effects of fatigue, the two students created a fake energy drink brand – False Focus – and employed typical product marketing tactics to convey their safety message.

The campaign was created as part of the Re:act TAFE road safety behaviour change program, which challenges graphic design students to devise a campaign that raises awareness among 16-24 year old road users of a critical road safety issue. It will run for the next two weeks on oOh!media’s network of digital assets, including roadside, retail, venue and street furniture, and be supported by an online and social media presence.

Re:act CEO and Founder Andrew Hardwick said it was pleasing to see the students’ inspired thinking executed publicly to raise awareness and change behaviour around driving fatigue among their own peers.

“With the lengthy restrictions we’ve endured in recent months, getting this program into the public domain is testament to the commitment and determination of the students, the team at TAFE NSW, our State Government program partners and Re:act national media partner oOh!media,” he said.

“We are incredibly appreciative of their support and perseverance and look forward to the Re:act NSW campaign building on the impact of Re:act TAFE driver fatigue campaigns executed in Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland in recent weeks, which have reached an audience of more than 2.2 million.”

Noel Cook, oOh!media’s Chief Commercial & Operations Officer, added: “Saving young lives on our roads is critically important, which is why we are pleased to support this campaign and contribute resources and signage space to get the message out there.

“The students have done a great job creatively highlighting the dangers of fatigue, using eye-catching messaging and visuals ideally suited to the Out of Home format – this will definitely resonate with road users across the state.”

Visit reactforchange.com to learn more about the Re:act program and download the ‘Re:act TAFE – Road Safety Education Program 2021: Driver Fatigue’ research report.

For further information:

Andrew Hardwick
CEO – Hard Edge & Re:act
M +61 (0)417 334 399

Hard Edge