live campaign
‘Sleep, then drive’. Holmesglen TAFE graphic design students Sasha Price and Carly Diep’s clever ‘drowsy driving’ road safety campaign is live online and across 250 roadside, retail and campus digital sites across Victoria. To find out more and stay up to the date with their campaign, head to sleepthendrivecampaign.com
selected campaign
A thought-provoking road safety campaign, which puts a clever twist on the need to ‘fill your tank’ before you drive, is the selected Re:act TAFE 2021 campaign in Victoria.
The ‘Rest, then drive – that energy drink won’t fill the tank’ message was devised by Holmesglen TAFE graphic design students Sasha Price and Carly Diep to raise awareness among young drivers of drowsy driving.
campaign presentations
Insightful research and brilliant thinking combined for inspiring road safety messages from students at Holmesglen TAFE in Melbourne today. Huge thanks to all involved for your contribution to Re:act TAFE 2021.