Safer use of mobiles in vehicles
The 2016 brief was to create a safe driving campaign that generated awareness among 18-25 year olds of the dangers of mobile phone use while driving and influence behaviour change. As safe driving campaigns are often depicted using harsh and negative imagery, this campaign focused on including the audience rather than isolating them, and aimed to make mobile phone use at the wheel socially unacceptable.
Your risk of crashing is 6x greater if you text while driving
the pitch
The inaugural Re:act pitch day saw an impressive bunch of tomorrow's design leaders descend on Hard Edge to present some great thinking and creative concepts to our panel. Chloë Young’s ‘Live the Moment’ campaign, which encouraged young drivers to take their eyes off their phones and keep them on the road, was the selected campaign.
The following resources from our partners provide valuable insight into the issue of the Safer Use of Mobile Phones in Vehicles and formed an important part of the creative brief.